Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang 15g Clears Heat, cools the Blood, nourishes Yin and generates fluids.
Sm. Persicae Tao Ren 9g Breaks up Blood Stasis, invigorates Blood circulation, moistens the Intestines, unblocks the bowels and drains abscesses.
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui 9g Tonifies, invigorates and harmonizes the Blood, moistens the Intestines, unblocks the bowels, reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh and alleviates pain.
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao 9g Invigorates the Blood, dispels Blood Stasis,reduces swelling from sores and abscesses and relieves pain.
With Tao Ren, for Blood Stasis.
With Xiang Fu, for flank pain, abdominal pain, and dysmenorrhea due to Qi and Blood Stagnation.
Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu 9g Spreads and regulates Liver Qi and alleviates pain.
With Dang Gui, tonifies the Blood and moves Qi.
Rz. Curcumae E Zhu 9g Invigorates Blood circulation, dispels Blood Stasis, regulates Qi, dissolves accumulations and alleviates pain.
Rz. Sparganii San Leng 9g Forcefully breaks up Blood Stasis, regulates Qi, alleviates pain and dissolves accumulations.
With Yan Hu Suo, for pain due to Blood Stasis.
With E Zhu, for Qi and Blood Stagnation with clumping and accumulation leading to pain.
Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke 9g Promotes the movement of Qi, reduces distention and pressure, resolves hardenings and removes stagnated food.
Rx. Pseudostellariae Tai Zi Shen 15g Strengthens the Spleen, tonifies Qi and generates Body Fluids.
Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo 9g Invigorates the Blood, circulates Qi and stops pain.
With Dang Gui, for Qi and Blood Stagnation.
With Xiang Fu, treats a wide range of applications from Liver Qi Stagnation to deep Blood Stasis with pain anywhere in the body.
Rz. Dioscoreae Shan Yao 9g Tonifies the Spleen, nourishes Stomach Yin and stops diarrhea.
Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu 9g Tonifies the Spleen, augments Qi, dries Dampness and promotes water metabolism.
  • Invigorates the Blood
  • Breaks up Stasis
  • Stomach cancer due to Blood Stagnation
  • Sharp, stabbing epigastric pain with fixed location
  • Epigastric or abdominal pain and distention
  • The pain may start intermittently but becomes more constant
  • Pain is severe after eating
  • The pain may radiate to the back
  • Dislike of pressure and Heat on the epigastrium
  • Pain predominates over distention or
  • Pain but no distention
  • Dysphagia
  • Epigastric rumbling
  • May be abdominal or epigastric lumps or masses
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting purple/black blood or "coffee grounds"
  • Indeterminate gnawing hunger
  • Anorexia
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
  • Dry stools with blood like tar (melaena)
  • Hemafecia with dark, purple Blood or mixed dark and fresh Blood
  • Constipation
  • Dry, rough skin
  • Darkish, purplish or a blotchy complexion, lips and conjunctiva
  • Dark rings around the eyes
  • Spider naevi on the cheeks, epigastrium, trunk and around the inner ankle and knee
  • Maybe hemorrhoids
  • Maybe irregular menstruation with dark, purple, clotted Blood
  • With significant Deficiency from chronic Blood loss:
    A pale or sallow complexion
  • T: Dark purple with purple spots or dots and dark, distended sublingual veins
  • C: White or Grayish white or Yellow
  • P: Wiry and choppy or Wiry or Choppy or Thready and choppy or Deep and thready